The Tailwind Update is now live, so here’s a list of what to expect in this update, alongside some exciting news regarding Exploration!
In this Trailmakers update we have added some exciting new race tracks to the Rally – this time you will have to master the skies to become a champion. We are also making some big changes to Wingfins, adding some awesome new blocks and fixing some exploits which necessitates a leaderboard reset. Finally, we have added one of the most requested features: Advanced Graphics Settings.
We hope you enjoy the update, and as always let us know what you think in the comments or for a more detailed discussion of the Tailwind Update head over to our Discord (https://discord.gg/Trailmakers).
- Added 6 new race tracks to the Trailmakers Rally.
- Added support for AZERTY and QWERTZ keyboard layouts.
- Added an Advanced Graphics Settings menu. You can now fine tune the visual settings of Trailmakers like LOD, grass and trails, or just pick a preset.
- Added a lot more options on the multiplayer server creation screen. You can now create a custom block loadout, and adjust the allowed complexity limit for vehicles on the server.
- We tweaked the Coin rewards from races, so now there’s a smaller difference between beating one ghost, or all three. Or if you happen to be playing offline.
- We have added a feature that automatically finishes building the template vehicle in the races for you.
- If you load in a Blueprint that has locked blocks, you now have the ability to purchase them through the builder. Just select the locked block and you’ll have a purchase button.
In this update we have finally changed the Wingfins. We have been meaning to do this for a while, but we needed to come up with a solution that would not break too many old vehicles. The Wingfins have always had an unrealistic amount of drag which enabled crazy turning, but also made planes float like paper. The solution we have come up with is to change the old Wingfins so they cost a Power Core, rename them “Powered Wingfins,” and let them keep their drag properties. We have made three new Wing Fins that do not cost Power Cores, and have less drag than the powered versions. Old creations will have their Wingfins replaced with Powered Wingfins.
NEW: Added 4 Wedge Corner Blocks
- 2x2x1
- 2x2x2
- 3x3x1
- 4x4x1
- NEW: Motorcycle Seat
- NEW: Motorcycle Wheel
- NEW Large Paddle Block
- NEW: Powered Wingfins with the same drag as the regular wingfins before the update.
- CHANGED: Wingfins have reduced drag.
- CHANGED: Cannons explosions have reduced blast radius and power.
- CHANGED: Made the Armored Seat slightly more aerodynamic.
- CHANGED: The RAW Jet now takes slightly longer to begin its cooldown period. This is to prevent constantly tapping the Jet being the best strategy in many races.
- CHANGED: The Propeller now has a wind-up time and we have reduced the power core cost from 4 to 2.
- CHANGED: We changed the Shield Plates so you can colour each half of them a different colour, consider this a first step towards further customisation of your creations!
- Added block building sounds to many blocks that didn’t have them.
- Added reverb to caves and tunnels.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug that would spawn the vehicle on top of you so it fell on your head.
- Fixed an inverted aerodynamic block that had non-symmetric aerodynamics.
- Fixed a bug that showed you had improved in race rank when you had not.
- Fixed a bug that would break the builder when binding a key to Z.
- Fixed the invisible Carball ball.
- Fixed an exploit that allowed you to only complete 1 lap on multi lap races.
- Fixed the reward for flying through all the Rings of Fire in Sandbox Island.
- Fixed the trigger for the Rings of Fire in Sandbox Island.
- Fixed the Marquee Tool activating when clicking on UI elements in the builder.
- Fixed a bug with the builder info weight not updating when placing a new block.
- Fixed the ramp.
In other news…
We know a lot of you reading these update notes are going to be hoping for some news on Exploration mode, and we’re happy to confirm that Exploration will be the core feature of the next Trailmakers update.
As we’ve finished up work on the Tailwind update, we’ve been in many design meetings, armed with your feedback and our own visions and ideas for Exploration and now we’re ready to start building the brand new map for you all to explore, discover and build in. We’ve already started work, and our current goal is to release the update before we all take our summer vacation!
As we progress through development of Exploration, we’re going to do our best to keep you updated with how things are going. We of course want to keep some surprises for when the update releases, but for now, please enjoy the Tailwind Update and check back soon for more news regarding Exploration!
If you enjoy the Tailwind update, please don’t hesitate to leave us a Steam or Xbox review, the entire team really appreciates it!