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Build Challenge 171: Movie Challenge!

A picture showing the text "Build Challenge" with a screenshot of the Test Zone area from Trailmakers in the back. A mini golf course and a small truck can be seen, in addition to the Trailmakers character for Community Manager Mikkel

Build Challenge 171: Movie Challenge!

Hi, Trailmakers!

Congratulations to Kaptn Klutch and tacocat300000 on winning the Mini Build Challenge with their builds – a mini golf course(!!!) and a sweet small semi truck!

Now, it’s time for the Movie Challenge! #MovieChallenge The ground rules for submitting your entry to the build challenge:

🎥​ Steam Players: Submit your entry blueprint to #build-challenge-submissions! If you like, you can ALSO upload it to the Steam Workshop with #MovieChallenge (but don’t forget to put it here in the build-challenge-submissions -channel too)

🎥 ​Xbox, Microsoft Store AND PlayStation Players: Simply submit your entry to the Gallery in the game and put #MovieChallenge in the description or name!

🎥​ DEADLINE: September 14, 2022 2:00 PM

🎥​ Entry Limit: ONE (1), no multi-builds, no complexity mod builds. I will livestream & showcase the best submissions the day after the deadline, on September 15, 2022 2:00 PM

– Mikkel

PS: Here’s a MOOD board for inspiration: